Sublime C++ Mac

  1. C environment which builds using CMake and uses the clangd language server for extra IDE features. Using Sublime Text 4. For intermediate to advanced users.
  2. C Completions About. This Sublime Text (2 or 3) package gives method completion suggestions for C. How to Use Methods and other completions. Just type the words and the completion suggestions should show up. Press ENTER or TAB for completion. Including header files. Type i-header name then Press ENTER or TAB for completion.

Sublime Text 3 is the current version of Sublime Text. For bleeding-edge releases, see the dev builds. Sublime Text may be downloaded and evaluated for free, however a license must be purchased for continued use. There is currently no enforced time limit for the evaluation. Some mystical consolation that Joan of Arc was born on January 6,1412. On that day this year I was sitting on the rock where my girlfriend was found dead on Mt Tamalpais 10/15/80. The 9th victim of a serial killer. At 11:44 AM PST a chilling shudder went thru the woods. Like a sublime wave of sorrow. I am learning C at college now, and teachers told me to use codeblocks as an IDE, but in my opinion codeblocks is a bit ugly and that's why I've chosen Sublime Text 2, the BEST IDE/Text Editor out there. At the moment I write my code via sublime, save it and then compile it via mac os terminal (gcc) and than run it on the terminal as well.


Run shell commands like git, rvm, rspec, ls, etc. with Bash, Zsh and others inside your Sublime Text 3.


  • Total21K
  • Win8K
  • Mac6K
  • Linux6K
Aug 31Aug 30Aug 29Aug 28Aug 27Aug 26Aug 25Aug 24Aug 23Aug 22Aug 21Aug 20Aug 19Aug 18Aug 17Aug 16Aug 15Aug 14Aug 13Aug 12Aug 11Aug 10Aug 9Aug 8Aug 7Aug 6Aug 5Aug 4Aug 3Aug 2Aug 1Jul 31Jul 30Jul 29Jul 28Jul 27Jul 26Jul 25Jul 24Jul 23Jul 22Jul 21Jul 20Jul 19Jul 18Jul 17



Run shell commands like git, rvm, rspec, ls, etc. with Bash, Zsh and others inside your Sublime Text 3.

  • Custom Shortcuts
  • Common Problems
  • Some Cool Demos

Command Palette

Images For Sublime C Mac

Shell Exec: Open shell_exec_open

Default Shortcuts

  • Linux: ctrl + shift + c
  • Mac: shift + super + c
  • Windows: ctrl + shift + c



Custom Shortcuts

shell_exec_open: Open Shell Exec box to input some command.

shell_exec_run: Runs a predefined command.

User/Default (Linux).sublime-keymap:

Sublime Text 3 C++ Mac

Command Format Syntax


Available variables:* ${input}: Input from Shell Exec box.* ${region}: Selected text.* ${row}: Selected row number or the cursor position at file.* ${file_name}:* ${file}: /home/user/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/shell-exec/* ${packages}: /home/user/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages* ${file_base_name}: ShellExec* ${platform}: Linux* ${file_extension}: py* ${file_path}: /home/user/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/shell-exec* ${folder}: /home/user/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/shell-exec

Common Problems

RVM Command, ~/.bashrc, ~/.bash_profile, ~/.zshrc…

You can load RVM and profile files with login mode:

Or… You can load a custom sh file: Loading ~/.bashrc simulating interactive shell: Loading RVM command:


Mac Sublime C++ 配置

Sublime Text Download For Mac - cleverguy


Just enable the debug to see panel outputs:User/Preferences.sublime-settings:

Shell Exec - Packages - Package Control

Some Cool Demos


Sublime Text Download For Mac - Cleverguy


Mac Sublime C++
